Often we find leads and clients have basic questions they need answered prior to and during campaigns. Here you can find commonly asked question about Vicariously Me Marketing’s services and/or process. Keep in mind a few of your burning questions many require a deeper analysis of your practice or business specifically ie. The is no one size fits all in digital marketing.
How do I schedule a discovery call?
While we would love to help the world market their practice Vicariously Me Marketing’s services are limited to a few clients each month. Our process is simple; we require all prospective partners to complete a brief Strategy or Audit request which helps our team assess the likelihood of a mutually beneficial partnership. To find out if we’re a fit please complete this quick form and schedule your discovery call. Schedule a Discovery Call
What hours do you operate?
Vicariously Me Marketing’s operating hours are 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
9am-2pm Sat-Sun (client appointments only)